Five days left!
I have a real good feeling about this guys. I'm so excited for the election, I almost don't want it to be over!
I've been tearing up looking at this photo essay by Callie Shell. Pretty powerful images.
It's my blog. Read it.
I have a real good feeling about this guys. I'm so excited for the election, I almost don't want it to be over!
Tacos are free at last. Call me cheap, but I do love me some free tacos.
This month, I’m reminded of one of my favorite parts of growing up in the Bay Area – spider season. Unlike many of my fearful friends, I love the little eight-legged fellows. This is not to say that I’d enjoy one crawling across my pillow, but I’ve always taken the time to appreciate their delicate webs splayed across the trees and railings in my yard. I guess Charlotte’s Web had a big effect on me as a kid.
"Hi, this is Audrey, I'm calling from the Barack Obama campaign. How are you doing today?"
I've used this picture once before, but I'm going to use it again since it's so cute.
In a single weekend, I can spend one day at the Hardly Strictly Blue Grass Festival in Golden Gate Park enjoying greats like Iron & Wine
My friend told me a story recently about how she was about to hook up with a guy. A guy she’s known for a while and hooked up with before. But this time, for some reason, they got to talking about politics. She found out he was an avid McCain/Palin supporter. They argued about it for a while. The result: he’s still trying to get McCain in the white house (hopefully unsuccessfully) and he’s still trying to get in my friend’s pants (definitely unsuccessfully).