Friday, March 27, 2009

Dancing in the moonlight

Reason #29 why I love being unemployed...

I get to go to my grandma's dance class at the Berkeley Senior Center.

I mean really, I should be doing this every week.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Reason #28 why I love being unemployed...

Unemployment Insurance.

It's not just that I get a fairly decent amount of money each week, it's that I get it for doing nothing. It's like the government finally realized that I'm so awesome, I should get paid to simply exist. Took them long enough.

Monday, March 16, 2009


Reason number #27 why I love being unemployed....

I can hang out all day in my yoga pants.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Jonesin' for Jones

I have two pieces of very exciting news.

Firstly, Van Jones was appointed Special Advisor for Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation for the Obama administration. For those of you that don’t know of Van Jones, he is a social justice and environmental activist that founded Green For All, a nonprofit dedicated to solving our two biggest problems at once: unemployment & climate change. He’s been lecturing, teaching, and organizing a movement to lift people out of poverty by creating green jobs for inner-city low-income folks. He also wrote a book on the subject “Green Collar Economy” which, I’m ashamed to say, I’ve never actually read. He is also really, really hot. And really, really married. Frownie face

The other piece of exciting news is that I finally put a posting up on my friend, Nick’s, blog: Triple Pundit. It was this good news about Van Jones that inspired me to finally write something. Check out my posting here. It was hard for me to get away from the fact that I have a massive crush on Van Jones. Basically, Nick is lucky I didn’t write the whole post about how hot an Obama-Jones sandwich would be. Yum.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Gettin' Snuggie

For Christmas, my mother asked for a Snuggie: the blanket with sleeves. My mother is always cold and this was another attempt to stay warm in our freezing Berkeley house. You know Berkeley and it's cold, cold winters. It gets down as low as 50 on some January days.

So, after much online ordering (in which they make you buy two with a FREE READING LIGHT). And a two month back order. I finally got the Snuggie sometime in February (after finding out that they sell them at my local Wallgreens. Ah well). So Mom opens it and says dissapointedly, "It has no back."

It's a blanket with sleeves, Mom. Blankets don't have backs. What you're looking for is a bathrobe.

I thought this was our own family joke until I saw this recent article in the NY Times "Snuggie on the street: Watch your back," in which the author decides to wear her Snuggie out around Manhattan (with hilarious results).
"My biggest fear was that I would be treated as some kind of doomsday zealot when I donned my Snuggie in Times Square. I have longish hair and a beard, and the Snuggie, with its generous draping sleeves, can appear from the front like a clerical gown. It seemed to shout: “Repent!”

As I stood near the TKTS booth writing this thought in my notebook, I realized that: “Hey, I’m writing in my notebook while standing up wearing a blanket. These sleeves are handy.”"
