Saturday, October 14, 2006

Voulez vous coucher avec moi?

Eventually I start just nodding and smiling rather than explain that I forgot every word of French I ever learned in high school. Nod and smile. Who knows how many unseemly things I’ve agreed too as opposed to saying that I don’t understand anything they’re saying. Shauna and I have been getting by fine though, we just move to the next bar when the French Canadian boys get too creepy.

Despite the language barrier (which doesn’t really exist because everyone speaks English once you ask), Montreal is a lovely city. Here are a few shots. Why are they all black and white? Because these were all taken in Old Town (Vieux-Montreal) and color didn’t exist back then.

Okay, it’s just cause I want them to appear deep and pensive as opposed to grey and dreary like the weather today.


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