Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Heating up

It's the second installment of YouNork's feautre: "Parts of the house that Audrey thinks look like a penis."

This week: the knob on my heater.

Okay, so to be fair, it doesn't just look like a penis. It is a penis. A plastic penis whistle to be exact.

Why is there a plastic penis whistle in my heater, you ask? Because the original knob was gone when I moved in, and I spent all last winter turning my heat on with pliers. Until a few months ago, my friend, David, was over and noticed the plastic penis whistle from a recent bachelorette party sitting on my dresser. I told him about what a pain it was to turn on my heater with pliers, and he put two and two together, as they say.

And what can I say, it works perfectly. A little weird to explain to guests, but if it keeps me warm in my old, uninsulated house, it's worth it.

Here's to a toasty winter.


At 8:49 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

perfect plastic penis...patent!!


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