Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Beep beeeeeeeeep

Honking. I don’t see the appeal, but the New Yorkers sure do seem to enjoy it. Will it get the taxi cab in front of them to drive any faster? Probably not. Will it move the delivery truck that’s positioned itself exactly in the middle of the street? Doubtful. And yet, New York City is alive with the sound of millions of drivers pounding out a steady rhythm or worse, the prolonged leans on the horn.

The cabbies, the truck drivers, the chauffeurs, and the regular folks just on their way home from work feel compelled to let the local residents, the old ladies watching Jeopardy, the babies that just went down for a nap, the writers at their computers and the trendy-mix dogs waiting at the windows know that they are mad.

Meanwhile I sit at my open window, contemplating what I would do had I the speed, agility and courage to leap from my chair and administer the appropriate punishment. A knife to the tire, perhaps? A swift smack on the head (if I could fool them into rolling down their window)? I fantasize about shock collars, pepper spray, a spiked anklet that automatically tightens with each shrill sounding of the wearer’s horn. Anything to stop the noise.

Who knew road rage could occur in the comfort of your own bedroom?


At 11:50 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Siiigh, yet another problem (like yesterday's) that is unique to the unemployed woman who has 4 or 5 more hours of sleep to accomplish after the recycling trucks roll by at 7:30am and the commuters honk by at 8:30am. Woe. Is. You. ;)

At 1:04 PM, Blogger Eliza said...

You should listen to the cars in Bangalore. In the 2 block drive from my office to my hotel the driver honked 18 times. The traffic was moving just fine, no one cut him of, but he just had to express himself, like every other car on the road.

At 8:09 PM, Blogger shauna finn said...

once, no.. twice, when i lived on the corner of 4th and B, the loudest corner in Manhattan maybe, i resorted to throwing eggs out the window at standing vehicles leaning on their horns. i'm ashamed to admit it. it was like that time when i was 11 and my routy cousin richard convinced my sister and me to throw oranges at moving traffic in santa barbara and a scary but amazingly fit lady stopped fast and chased after us until siobhan, being a wee 6 year old and slow as shit got caught, forcing me to go back for her only to be chewed out and humiliated and reminded of what a stupid, stupid thing we were doing..

one egg only hit the street. the second one also hit the street, but it splattered onto the cab in question. i haven't spoken of this in about 2 years.


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