Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Top five qualities

Here’s a thought-provoking question for a Tuesday afternoon: are you the person you want to be?

I’m not talking about aspects of who you are that are determined by outside factors – where you are in your career, if you’ve met the right person, how many friends you have, where you live, etc. I’m talking about specific character traits that only you can control. Are you behaving like you’d like yourself to behave?

It’s a question that I thought about a lot last week. I decided to list the top five qualities that I would like possess, some of which I feel that I already do have somewhat, and some of which I’ve decided to work on.

It was hard for me to keep off the list the qualities that are decided by other people, like “likable” and “interesting,” emotional qualities that are mostly beyond my control such as “happy”, and physical qualities (I mean, sure, I want to be skinnier, but that didn’t make the list).

Above all things, I would like to be (in random order):


Definitely still working on some of those. What are your five?


At 1:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

1. Dickie
2. Greenleaf
3. whatever
4. whatever
5. see 1. and 2.

At 2:04 PM, Blogger shauna finn said...

wow i was about write something about how those 5 traits that you chose are pretty good, that i'm not sure i can think of any better, but then i read what that last person posted and i'm feeling somewhat sheepish.

At 6:29 PM, Blogger Pete Nicely said...

1. hot
2. kind
3. productive
4. enlightened
5. expressive

strangely, my tie for 23: figety and supersonic.


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