Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Tricky Dickie

But what you're not taking into account, oh ye Anonymous Commenter (Audrey retorted 15 hours later), is this: yes, Dickie Greenleaf possessed a rare and an almost magical quality that made him likable to everyone around him. BUT, was he likable to himself?

The traits I listed are characteristics that are more about being the person you would like yourself to be. Not the person that everyone else wants you to be.

Yes, I'd love to be just like Dickie. Who wouldn't? But did Dickie love himself as much as everyone else did? I don't know. I suppose you'd have to ask the Talented Mr. Ripley.

I'm not sure if you're someone that knows me personally and are therefore aware of the fact that I'm intrigued by the concept of Dickie Greenleaf and bring it up often. I study the few Dickie-like folks that I know to try and capture the secret to their appeal. It’s beyond me, which is why I’ve chosen to focus on changing my internal qualities, I can focus on the external ones once I have these five mastered.

Anyway, I've been giving that list of five further thought, and I realized that it’s not entirely realistic. Being kind probably involves not talking about people behind their back, which is something that I don’t think I’m capable of ceasing. It’s just too much fun. And nonjudgemental? C'mon. I judge therefore I am.

So I've decided to replace those two aspirational qualities with really good-looking and drunk. (The two traits I look for in others)


At 5:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

who would really want to be dickie greenleaf? he ended up with an oar to the side of the head only to be dumped bleeding to death in the Mediterranean.


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