Tuesday, August 14, 2007

What’s the word?

Every city has a word, according to the book I’m reading (Eat Pray Love by Elizabeth Gilbert – totally interesting, you should read it). The city’s word communicates the essence of the city. The subject that’s on anyone’s mind at any given time. There is also a theory that every person has a word. A single concept that defines them. And if these words don’t match, the person will never quite feel at home in that city.

In this book, the author writes about her four-month stay in Rome. She could never be a real Roman, she decides, because her word doesn’t quite match the city’s. She loves Rome, but the word of the city, as explained to her by an Italian friend, is “Sex.” This is what the city is about, according to this one Italian. It’s what it runs on, it’s what everyone thinks about. All the time. (Maybe I should think about moving to Rome).

He then asks her what New York’s word would be. She thinks about it and then comes up with “Achieve.” I can agree with this. The general motivation I’ve observed in New York is to get ahead – whether that’s getting to the next promotion at your job, the next level in your salary, the next biggest apartment or just the next seat on the subway.

So what, I wonder, is San Francisco’s word? I discussed it with Gordon on Sunday at the previously mentioned café. I figured he’d have an unbiased opinion since he’s lived in both cities an almost equal amount of time and is from neither. He threw out the word “be” for San Francisco. People there are pretty content to express themselves and be who they are without judgment, he reasoned.

I’ve been thinking about this a lot as I’m trying to make the decision to stay in New York longer, or move back to San Francisco next month, as I originally planned. Although I love New York in many, many ways, my word is certainly not “Achieve.” If anything, it’s probably “Lazy.” (If you are a potential employer, please disregard this last sentence.) If this word theory has any relevance, I would choose “be” over “achieve” in a hot second. But of course, these are vast generalizations and only vaguely true.

I’ve been thinking about other city’s words. Paris, of course, would be “love.” Los Angeles, don’t be angry for the generalization LA pals, but “image.” And dear old Berkeley, my hometown. If Berkeley had a word it would be “Sock Monkey Placenta.”


At 10:41 PM, Blogger Pete Nicely said...

I like the word "Be" for San Francisco. "Bi" might work too. I'd suggest "Try" for LA, but "Image" makes more sense.

At 10:06 AM, Blogger shauna finn said...

i'd have to say LA's word is "Imagination" - i've thought this for a long time actually.
"Imagination" can include "Image", which is certainly a true aspect of LA, but limited in that it forgets that behind the Image is first and foremost a hotbed of creativity and artistic drive.. in, and also totally unrelated to Hollywood.

p.s. i totally agree with "Be" for SF, that's perfect.


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