Oh blog, how I've neglected you so. I’m sorry my posts have been so few and far between. I’ve been immersed into my job up to the eyebrows. I never thought I could work this hard. Didn’t think I had it in me. However, it’s mostly by choice.
I've found myself involved in a whole new world (cue the Aladdin song), a different industry than I’ve ever been exposed to. It’s scary, exciting and fascinating all at the same time.
I’m learning all about sustainability and the serious changes that this world must undergo to be environmentally, economically and socially sustainable. I’m still processing everything I’ve learned. Too much for the blog, but
here’s a little taste. But, here’s what I find most amazing – I truly feel that we can do it. My cynicism has been cast aside, at least in regards to my job.
I went on a three-day retreat last week with some of my coworkers. It was challenging, interesting and extremely rewarding. I learned so much about my company and where we’re going. Totally drank the proverbial Koolaid, only in this case, it’s an organic Koolaid smoothie made of flax seed and acai. Delicious, healthy and sustainable.