Monday, December 01, 2008

Household changes

Today our new roommate moved in.

I have to say first that Brian moving out was very sad. I nearly shed a tear as he packed up his photograph of corn and took his 32” plasma flat screen from our living room (you should’ve seen me and Molly with no TV last night; we sort of stared blankly at each other for a while and then rearranged the Tupperware drawer, cleaned out the closet and made mustard from scratch. Luckily the new roommate has already brought his TV, so all that productivity can cease). Brian leaving is the end of an era, as he first moved in with me back in 2004. But luckily it’s for a valid reason – he’s moving in with a girlfriend, whom we like very much, so things could be a lot worse.

That being said, having a new roommate is like Christmas in, well, in December I guess. But you get my point. Unpacking his bag of kitchen stuff brought my joys I’d never before experienced. Feelings like “We have a pie dish?” and “This knife actually cuts stuff!” Not to mention the DVDs, new bath mat, and the afore mention TV. I think we scored. He’s also really tall, so he can reach the high shelves. And he’s already installed a new wireless modem. I think we’ll get along just fine.

Goodbye, Brian. Hello, Richard.


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