Wednesday, April 15, 2009


As I promised yesterday, here are some images from chapter one: Haramara.

This was my walk to yoga class every morning.

I'd never done somewhere so beautiful. I mean, Yoga Tree is nice and all, but this palapa had a 360-degree view.

How can I count the ways in which I loved my outdoor shower. Let's just say that I showered every day while at Haramara, which, as you are aware if you know me, is a really big deal.

The grounds had beautiful gardens to get lost in.

One of the six gorgeous sunsets I enjoyed from the dining hall.

We lucked out with a full moon in the middle of our six-day stay. The moon was so bright, we didn't even need flashlights (Haramara is solar powered and has no electricity at night).

I still have a long way to go, but I definitely saw an improvement in my yoga practice.

And, last but not least, my favorite part: my bedroom.


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