Monday, May 11, 2009

Tippy Canoe

I have a big, ugly sore on my nose. It’s not a good place to have a mark, but at least it’s got a good story behind it… I got in a canoeing accident this weekend. Not so much an accident as a capsizing. Not sure if it was our fault, or the fault of the low-hanging branches, but once that little canoe starts filling with water, all you can do is hang on to all your stuff and hope it doesn’t float away down river.

It turns out that a canoe full of water is extremely heavy and almost impossible to control, even in the water. So, navigating the water-logged canoe to the size of the river while holding on to all your possessions is near impossible. After being dragged along the rocks on the bottom of the river for what seemed like hours (but was probably more like 8 minutes). We were finally able to trap the canoe in some reeds and dump out the water so we could get back in. The only negative results of the experience were a broken camera (not mine, thank goodness) and a lost flip-flop (also not mine). Also a number of bruises and scrapes, including the one on my nose.

Still, it was a fun time and totally worth it.

Here we are before capsizing.

Here we are after. As you can see, we made it out just fine.


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