Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Flora in the City

If you ever want to be reminded how blessed your life is, I suggest a quick jaunt through the Tenderloin of San Francisco. The people there are poster children for down-and-out. Splayed out on street corners, yelling at each other or simply at shadows, buying/selling/smoking crack, or all three. It's a great reality check. As I recently decided that if I'm to truly love San Francisco, I have to love all of San Francisco. This is the only San Francisco that some unlucky folks ever see.

One of those unlucky folks is Flora, the dog I volunteer walk every Tuesday.

The Tenderloin is the only home she knows. And it knows her. As I walk by, completely conspicuous with my designer yoga pants and my cell phone in hand, the crackheads smile and say hello to Flora. There's something about a beautiful dog that seems to unite everyone.

I'm starting a photo essay I call "Flora in the City." Here are a few highlights:


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