Monday, July 03, 2006

Dirty on Purpose

Question: How many layers of dirt can one girl acquire in one day?

Layer 1: Sunscreen (applied in the morning, prior to leaving the house)
Layer 2: Sweat from bike ride to Rockaway Beach
Layer 3: Tire grime and street dirt from same
Layer 4: Salty Atlantic ocean water from swim
Layer 5: Sunscreen (reapplied)
Layer 6: Sand
Layer 7: More sand
Layer 8: Sweat from bike ride up back up through Brooklyn
Layer 9: Dirt from lying in Central Park for afternoon Seu Jorge concert
Layer 10: Light rain from the sunset ride through Central Park and upper Manhattan

Answer: 10.

What an action-packed, city-spanning, fun-filled day of adventure. An ocean swim in the morning, a great bike ride through Brooklyn, and a Central Park concert in the afternoon.

After my bike and I returned home from our ten hours on the town, I took the longest shower of my life – washing that magnificent Sunday off my skin, but keeping it in my thoughts forever.


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