Friday, December 22, 2006

Next goal: Africa!

One of my favorite ways to pass the time (because I'm a dork) is to go online to my little web tracker tool and see who's reading my blog. No, I can't actually see who you are, Bronwyn, Julianne, Renna and Elise. But I can see what city and state you live in. For example, I know that of the people who read my blog yesterday, 58% lived in New York and 36% live in California. So out of all 10 people, that means I have 3.6 readers in Cali. Yay

So where do the rest come from? Well, I know I have readers in Florida, Maryland and Colorado. I have at least one or two readers in Canada, or America Jr. as Homer Simpson likes to call it (there go my Canadian fans). But if you look at the map below, handily provided by Google Maps and statcounter, you will see that I have readers in Brazil, Sweden, China and India!

Granted they've only visited my site once, and I think they stumbled upon it by accident, probably doing a search for "I was on drugs and had sex under the dinosaur fossils" or something (which, by the way, does show You Nork in Google results, but not until the fifth page. THE FIFTH PAGE!)

Still, I like to boast that my writing is appreciated by audiences around the globe, especially those that don't speak English.

A map is also appropriate for today's post because this evening I shall be traveling across it. Back home to the Bay Area, where I hear it's even colder than New York. Looking forward to it. Cali, here I come.


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