Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Been busy

I realize that my blogging has been lacking recently, and I apologize. But it’s not entirely my fault. See, there are two reasons:

1. Work is making me work. What’s up with that? They think just because they pay me, I have to sit at my desk all day and write for them? I guess so. And that leaves little time for my own personal creativity.

2. When I started this blog, I vowed that I was going to keep discussion of drinking, sex, drugs, and rock and roll to a minimum, seeing as my family reads this. (God forbid the rock and roll). But since that’s pretty much all my weekend entailed, that leaves me with nothing to report. I’m just kidding, Mom. (No, I’m really not). Yes, Mom, I really am.

Actually, I did go to the Museum of Natural History on Saturday, that was fun and cultural. Granted I was on drugs and had sex under the dinosaur fossils, but, still… cultural.


At 7:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's admirable that you would refrain from discussing subjects as trite as sex, drugs, or rock and roll. But, like it or not, those topics typically yield personal, intimate anecdotes. It's that intimacy that pulls readers in and more often than not distinguishes a blog. You shouldn’t have to be crass.

Don’t write your blog for your parents. You’ll never make a dime.


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