Thursday, December 07, 2006

A good example for his daughters

Unfortunately, I left my diary at home today, so Diary Thursdays will have to be pushed to Friday. I know you’re all SO disappointed and were looking forward to this all week, you’ll just to have to wait one more day. And Travis, I’m working on that picture of Audrey the 13-year-old for you. Dad – can you find a good picture of me from the late 80’s/early 90’s and scan it for me?

And speaking of Dad, he says he likes it when I write about him in my blog. So let me tell you a little something about my dad.

My dad is one of the few people I know that managed to turn his passion into a profession. For that, among many other things, I will always respect him. He’s loved photography since his first camera when he was 14 (is that right, dad?). Since then, he’s built up his own photography company and is now, in my opinion, one of the most talented photographers in the Bay Area. This is just a hypothesis, but I think his photography got so good because he had such a fabulous model at his disposal.

Audrey, age 3.

Some of my favorite memories as a child take place in the glowing red light of the darkroom with my dad. The smells of the developing chemicals are the scents of my childhood. That’s why I am thankful that digital photography wasn’t popular until after I left for college. He now works only in digital, which allows him to capture beautiful moments like this one:

My dad also tells funny jokes. He also tells not funny jokes. But he never leaves a message on my voice mail that doesn’t make me smile. A few weeks ago, he left a message that said “Having the puppy around the house brings back fond memories of taking care of you as a baby. Only the puppy is much smarter.” He later called back to apologize, but I wasn’t offended. How can I compare with this:

You can click here for more of my dad’s work. As you can see, I’m very proud of him.


At 1:26 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

preferably an audrey age thirteen photo with complete orthopedic brace head gear. me? i was just an awkward chubster.

At 8:43 PM, Blogger ebkhuner said...

Audrey -

Memories of Audrey at age 13 - Keep your TV on: They still replay that episode of COPS that features Audrey being subdued by 8 (EIGHT) cops after she knocks the first two halfway into next Tuesday. She was a fighter, I tell ya, a real fighter, at 13!


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