Thursday, April 05, 2007

Traveler Mentality

Two days after arriving home, I’m reluctantly unpacking. Here’s what I miss most about traveling – the person that I become when I’m on the road. Or maybe it’s just that different aspects of my personality are accentuated when I’m traveling alone.

When I’m in a new city where I know no one, I see everyone I meet as a potential friend, a possible source of valuable information, or at least someone to hang out with for the afternoon. When I’m in New York, my blinders go up. My shield of “I already have friends, I don’t need to get to know the person sitting next to me on the subway.” But why not? I’m sure New York has many interesting people to meet.

So here’s my goal, bring Traveling Audrey home. Stay open to meeting new people. Even if they’re not cute. You never know who could be your next best friend.


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