Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Between jobs

For some reason, when I’m unemployed, I just can’t think of anything to blog about. I’m too busy contemplating how useless my life is and how there’s really no point to anything. See, when I’m working I’m too distracted to have these depressing thoughts. That’s why I need a job.

But, the good news is that this is a very different unemployment than last time – no more sleeping till noon and staying in my underwear all day. I’ve been waking up early, going to the gym and drinking smoothies. Lots and lots of smoothies. Good god, how I love those smoothies.

And now, I’m off to play Frisbee in the park. That is what an unemployed person should be doing. That and looking for a job. Eh, I’ll do that tomorrow. Actually, I potentially have a gig hooked up for next week. It doesn’t involve boners, but will hopefully be fun none the less. As long as I can bring my smoothie.


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