Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Grand Central

Grand Central Terminal is an exciting and dynamic place. Now that I work a block away, I’ve been spending lazy lunch hours under its luxurious chandeliers and afterwork strolls though its echoing halls.

I find that no matter which entrance I go in through – whether it’s 42nd or Lexington, I always seem to end up at the same spot inside the station. And no matter which way I try to exit, I always end up next to the New York Sports Club near 45th, which is great, because it’s caused me to work out more. But still, somewhat strange.

The only explanation I can come up with is that Grand Central Terminal must be constantly shifting, much like the palace in Labyrinth. I’m still expecting to see David Bowie with a crystal ball around every turn. As of yet, I have not encountered David Bowie, but I have seen some other strange things. And, conveniently, I caught them on tape.

Behold the magic of Grand Central Rush Hour:
(if the video's not loading yet, it's because I just uploaded it. Check back in a bit)

Yes, that is a giant Snoopy you see getting hassled by the cops at the end. I’m telling you, strange things happen at this place.


At 7:39 AM, Blogger shauna finn said...

dude that's my song. i love it so much!!
p.s. they're playing on the 6th - we're totally going!


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