Saturday, November 03, 2007


Earlier this week, I was welcomed back to the land of earthquakes with a jolting 5.6. Not big enough to do any kind of damage, but big enough to remind me that I’m on unstable ground.

I’ve never been particularly concerned about earthquakes. As I wrote a while back, I kind of like them. But the news on TV has been freaking me out a little, saying that due to Tuesday’s earthquake, it’s 10% more likely there will be a “big one” soon. Granted, they’ve been saying that forever. And how many big earthquakes have I experienced in the entire 28 years I lived in California? One.

But I’ve been taking a few more precautions. For example, last night I started to fall asleep in my bed wearing nothing but a hooded sweatshirt. And the thought crossed my mind – if there was an earthquake and I had to jump out of bed and run to the doorway, how embarrassing to be wearing nothing but a hooded sweatshirt. So I got up and put on some undies.

Also, I’ve taken to wearing my bike helmet around. At all times.


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