Monday, January 05, 2009

Costa Rica after dark

The cool things come out at night in Costa Rica. No, I don't mean the nightclubs and drunk Ticos. I mean the naturally cool things, like hot lava at Volcano Arenal.

(This blurry picture doesn't do it justice, but you have to picture car-sized firey hot rocks being spewed out of a nearby volcano.) Here it is after the sunset:

And in the jungle, the tree frogs wait till dark.

And in Montezuma, bioluminesence. I don't have a picture of this one. You'll have to just imagine it. Montezuma is a laid back beachtown at the tip of the Nicoya peninsula. After the moon set last night, we could look up and see every star in the sky. More than I had ever seen, including the whispy band of the Milkyway across the sky. Then, we looked down at the sand under our feet. Every time we stepped, sparkles would radiate across the sand. Stars above and below. It was unreal.


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