Thursday, June 25, 2009


There was a time in my life when I only listened to two records (yes, they were on vinyl): Madonna’s True Blue and Michael Jackson’s Thriller. My friends and I choreographed dances to every song on every album. When we weren’t dancing, we’d loving gaze at Michael’s photo on the inside cover, though I think back then I was more excited by the baby tiger.

Every Michael Jackson song from that era defines an entire section of my life. Every misunderstood lyric was a joke I shared with my sister. Every chorus, a dance move I shared with a friend. My current cell phone ringtone is Billy Jean. As if to remind me every time I get a call that the world lost someone truly special today.

I’ve always appreciated MJ’s contributions to the world. And have still have love for him, even though he was a total nutbar. This line from the news sums it up best: : “Michael is survived by three children: Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr., Paris Michael Katherine Jackson and Prince "Blanket" Michael Jackson II.”

Good bye Michael Jackson. We’ll miss you! Thanks to you, I'll always know how funky strong my fight is.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Upsidedown mission: accomplished.

I did it! After two weeks of trying to kick-up to handstand by myself... I just did it like two minutes ago. Just shows what a little practice can do. Now to get back to guitar...

Monday, June 15, 2009


You know what today is? It’s exactly ten years since I graduated from college. TEN YEARS.

I was so full of hope, back then. The future was wide open and dripping with opportunity. I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life and looked forward to all my future jobs, friends, partners and creations.

And look at me now.

Meh, not that much has changed.

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Monkey Picked Iron Goddess of Mercy

Yesterday, my roommates and I went to Samovar, the tea place around the corner from my house. The food and atmosphere is amazing. And their tea, at roughly $7-$9 a pop, is also quite impressive. Though not quite as amazing as the menu would have you believe.

Their Hika Sencha has an “unbounded creamy, buttery body, and warm-apricot-marmalade-on-toasted-english-muffin taste.”

So I ordered a cup. Turns out it just tastes like tea.

Their famed oolong, Monkey Picked Iron Goddess of Mercy claims to “Penetrate your issues and dissolve them.”

I had a sip of that too. My issues remain present.

The menu. It lies.

Monday, June 08, 2009

New punctuation

I’ve come up with a new punctuation mark. It’s used to show when a sentence or phrase is a really bad idea. It is called: the disasterisk.

In appearance, it is similar to a regular asterisk that you would use for any old footnote. But, in actuality, it connotes approaching calamity. Something that will potentially lead to grave danger.

Allow me to provide some examples.

That tiger looks really sweet, I bet she good use a hug.*

I’ll just stop by my ex-boyfriend’s house for a sec.**

I’m sure this shot of Jager won’t have too much effect on me.***

*danger danger danger

**abort abort abort

***red alert! Abandon ship

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Turning my world upsidedown: day 1

Technically, I've been trying to do a handstand my whole life. But I actually started trying regularly about a year and a half ago when I began regular yoga classes.

I can do it fine with a partner, just not against the wall and definitely not in the middle of the room.

Today I tried three times against the wall, to no avail. I asked the teacher how to get over this handstand mental block and you know what she said? She said, "Write about it."

Write about it? That's so simple. That's what I do best.

So here is my new commitment: I am going to practice handstands against the wall EVERY SINGLE DAY from now on. Until I can do it. And then I'll keep practicing.

I'll let you know how it goes.

Monday, June 01, 2009

Saturday at Maker Faire

Saturday morning, I was up bright and early (not an easy feat after the barn dance fundraiser I attended Friday night) to bike ride down to the Maker Faire. This plan was not so much due to me being adventurous or active; more just because I’m cheap (bicyclists save $10 off the entry fee). So after two hours of biking, I arrived at an expo center in San Mateo full of people who make things, and the things they made.

It was amazing. All these crafts, kinetic energy machines and robots made simply just because. They’re uses were artistic or scientific at best. It made me feel silly just for sitting around my house and writing when I could be:

Creating single-person muffin cars.

Or jeeps covered in Legos that you can add your own addition to.

Or remote-controlled warring robots.

Or, my personal favorite, a life-sized Mousetrap game.

Remember this game from the late 80’s? It was a big part of my childhood, so I especially enjoyed it being played life-sized in front of my eyes – they pulled it off with only a couple hitches:

See more pics here, including the art I made.
