Sunday, June 18, 2006

Not built for this weather.

New York is HOT in the summer. Why didn’t anybody tell me this? Okay fine, everyone told me this. But overnight it went from pleasantly warm to uncomfortably, painfully, hellishly hot. The kind of hot where all you can do is take a cold shower and then lie naked in front of the fan, carefully positioning your body so that no skin is touching skin. And even then, it’s still hot.

The positive side of this is that last night I was able to stay out till 4am in nothing but a skirt, tank top and flip flops. That was refreshing. Cate had to remind me three times before leaving the house, “You’re not gonna need that hoody.” We were at an outdoor bar on the Hudson, with a gentle breeze blowing over the water, and no jacket was needed. Insane, I tell you. It was great.

But today, even in the shade, it was simply horrid. Luckily, Cate’s mom came over this evening with new air conditioning units for our windows. We worked up a sweat lugging them up the stairs. And then it was just too hot to install them. It’s too hot to move at all, actually. But I did manage to go downstairs and fill a bowl with ice water. I put it in front of the fan, to spread the coolness. I needed something to prop up the fan so that I could feel the cool air while lying on my bed. It looks like the air conditioner is already doing its job.

If one more New Yorker tell me, “What this? This is nothing. Just wait till the humidity starts.” I think I might just have to move back to San Francisco. Or perhaps Antarctica.


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