Wednesday, August 09, 2006


For both self-indulgent and research reasons, I googled myself the other night. I know, sounds dirty. Once I was done googling myself, I searched for my name on the internet. When nothing incriminating came up, I did a search for: Audrey's Blog.

Here are some of the more entertaining results:

A 9-year-old, self-proclaimed “animal-crazy" homeschooler who blogs about what she read in the bible.

Some bad poetry.

And a blog called “Audrey III is Blooming,”. that contains sentences like: “Audrey III is now beginning to close up, but she is still putting out her scent of rotting fish in waves. I am heading home now, anxious to shower and remove any trace of Audrey's scent that is clinging to me.” Gee, that’s real flattering.

God, they're letting anyone blog these days. Aren't you happy that you've chosen to read a blog as interesting as mine instead of these other losers? Okay, so it's cruel to call a 9-year-old, bible-lovin', redhead a loser. But I mean it in the nicest possible way.

When you google: “We put the hard on in Chardonnay,” I’m the first site that comes up!


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