Tuesday, August 08, 2006

The Procrastination Master

If there is a project that needs to be done, and I am the one that needs to be doing it, I can find an average number of 27 other things to do.

For how, I ask, HOW ever can I write that copy when bank accounts need balancing, emails need checking, friends need G-chatting, blogs need reading, favorite singers need Internet researching, eBay auctions need bidding, lists need listing, weekends needs planning, youtube needs viewing and shoes at the mall downstairs are in dire need of purchasing.

However… when my services are not required, and I’m stuck at my desk with no responsibility what so ever. I can find absolutely. nothing. to. do.

There’s no one online I want to G-chat. I can’t find anything good to read online. There’s nothing I want to buy. I can’t think of anything to blog about (thus this entry). It proves my theory that life is more fun when you have something else you’re supposed to be doing.

Remember in college when you’d go to the café to study for your Anthro test with your friends. You’d have the most interesting conversations about life, and boys and oh my god, I think the professor has a gland problem did you see those sweat marks in lecture yesterday, and absolutely no studying would get done?

But once you graduate and you grow up, there’s no Anthro exam hanging over your head, and your free time is really just... free. Life is just a little more dull.


At 9:16 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG i *knew* you were a closeted ebay addict!


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