Wednesday, April 23, 2008

One day late

What does Earth Day mean to you?
A shade of green? The color blue?
Does it mean seals and redwoods? Gorillas and bugs?
Walking up to trees and giving them hugs?

I’ll tell you what Earth Day means to me
It’s a combo of land and sky and sea
It means every person in every city
Every part of the planet – whether ugly or pretty

It doesn’t distinguish between society and nature
It includes every species of each nomenclature
It means businesses in China, American car sales
Villagers in Africa and humpback whales

It means thinking about how it’s all is connected
And to recognize with each action, that something else is affected
The future’s part of today, death is part of birth
And it’s all part of this sphere we call Earth

So what should we do to recognize Earth Day?
Celebrate Mothers Day, Thanksgiving, your birthday
It’s a time to appreciate all we’ve been given
And to make sure this Earth is a place we can live in

Today and tomorrow, and the day after
A place that provides us with food, water and laughter
A place we can love and a place we can share
Earth Day is a day to simply be aware

Happy Earth Day!


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