Wednesday, February 21, 2007


Lots of stuff going on in my life right now – it’s my last day of writing about constipation (which makes me strangely sad) and the last week of my twenties. I have a friend coming into town tonight, a giant trip to prepare for and some serious partying to plan...

It’s all a little overwhelming, so let’s talk about Tetris.

I’ve gotten too good at it. And by that I mean that I can continue playing one game all the way through the subway ride from my office in Manhattan to my house in Brooklyn. Which means that when I arrive at my stop, I have to either sit in the station and finish my game, or I have to play while I’m walking home, which has led to a number of bumping into things and causing car accidents.

So what’s the solution? I suppose that I could just stop playing and do something more productive with my time, like reading or curing cancer. But I think it’s pretty clear here that I have a gift. And this gift, this rare talent, has to be encouraged, so I can blossom into the greatest cell phone Tetris player of all time.


At 5:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

danger! when i played on my gameboy as a youth i started to picture the shapes falling into place every time i closed my eyes. i had nightmares about falling s-shapes. don't fall prey to the same tragedy.


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