Friday, March 02, 2007

Made it down under

I've been in Sydney for about 10 hours, and so far... I gotta say that I'm a big fan. I know it's quick to judge, but I'm a pushover for any place where I can be comfortable in flip flops and a skirt. Especially after spending the last two months trudging through black slush a knee-length down jacket.

What a miraculous world we live in, where summer and winter are only a quick 14-hour flight away. This 14-hour flight, which I had been dreading, ended up being surprisingly painless and mostly uneventful, aside from the small electrical fire (!) that briefly filled the cabin with the smell of smoke and panic. Luckily the crew located the source - a fridge gone awry - and we did not have to perform an emergency landing in the middle of the Pacific. Practical girl that I am, I was already examining a map to calculate how long it would take me to swim to Fiji.

Thankfully, we made it safely to Sydney - no swimming required. And by 10am I was going through Carolyn's closet deciding which clothes to borrow to go lawn bowling. Apparently you have to wear white.
Here is my winning throw:


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