Thursday, May 08, 2008

Diary Thursdays: Austria & Germany

I’ve decided to keep in the theme of traveling – moving on from the Israeli journal and on to my trip through Europe in the Spring/Summer of 1995. This was the trip to end all trips – 18-year-old Audrey and Carolyn set loose on the entire content of Europe for four months. In my memory, it was another contest between the two of us to see who could hook up with more guys, this time an international competition. But I opened my journal and rather than finding intimate detail after intimate detail about boys. I found intimate details about what we ate. And we ate a lot. Turns out it was actually an international competition to see who could get fatter.

Sunday, June 30th, 5:38pm

Yesterday we walked around exploring Salzburg and we got pizza. Then, we got really gross ice cream that tasted like rum. Earlier that day, we got candy that we thought was coconut, but it turned out to be filled with rum! It was the most disgusting thing I’d ever eaten in my life. Blech!

Monday, July 31st, 4:50pm

Today we went up to the fortress which was cool and we saw a museum with torture methods (smiley face). We looked inside a church and got a pretzel (a yummy one with apples), got a Coke, bought chocolates, and then we got ice cream. Now we’re sitting by the river. It’s very pretty, but I feel like I should be looking at churches or something.

Tuesday, August 1st, 11:00pm

We’re in Germany! Everything here is really clean and they have really good twisty fries at the Burger King. Their Coke is kind of tasteless though. Also, we have lice. I think we picked them up in Greece. I don’t know what we’ll do – I don’t know how to say louse in German.


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