Tuesday, May 13, 2008


This is sacrelig coming from the mouth (hands?) of a photographer’s daughter, but I was at a wedding over the weekend that did something very cool to record it. They did not have a photographer nor a videographer. They simply had friends taking pics, and to make sure they got everyone at the wedding, they set up a MacBook in the corner with the Photobooth application.

If you have not already experienced the endless entertainment that is Photobooth, I recommend that you get yourself to an Apple store and do that immediately. It’s much like, well, a real photo booth, only there are many special effects to chose from and make yourself look even uglier than you actually are.

Here is what some of the wedding photos turned out like:

I guess I should expect nothing less from a couple that had their wedding rings brought up the aisle by a robot that the groom constructed himself out of Tupperware.

(thanks Jess for posting these on Facebook)


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