Monday, July 14, 2008


I think god, or whomever is in charge, decided to have a giant laugh at my expense last week. On Thursday, Day 2 of my East Coast Vacation, I woke up with a sharp shooting pain running from my neck down into my back and shoulder every time I tried to move. I didn’t know what it was… pulled muscle? Pinched nerve? Broken collarbone? Whatever the cause, I was unable to go about my day regularly, as in, I couldn’t actually get up off the couch. It took me over an hour to dress myself – picking up clothes with my feet, bending my knee and then reaching backwards to grab the item, though I was then completely unable to pull said item over my head without cries of agony. Cate had a fun time watching me attempt to put on pants.

I finally made it out into the city, but I had to keep my head tilted to the right at a 45 degree angle at all times. I looked like a giant freak walking through the streets of Manhattan with my head off to one side. But then again, everyone looks like a weirdo in Manhattan.

As I walked down 2nd Ave in the East Village, someone did make a comment as he passed me. But it had less to do with my oddly positioned head and more to do with my breasts. Really? I’m walking stiffly with my head tilted to the right and THAT’S what you had to say? I found the whole situation pretty hilarious, although it hurt to laugh.


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