Monday, November 06, 2006

Second-largest country in the world

I returned last night from a lovely weekend in Toronto, the largest city in the second-largest country on the planet.

This is the third city I've visited in Canada. And so far, I have to say that I’m a big fan of our peaceful northern neighbors. Aside from the fact that everyone there gets free healthcare and the government pays for education, Canada also boasts beautiful cities with good food, a fun nightlife and, most importantly, cute boys. The three things I look for in a city.

I was expressing to a Canuck on Saturday night that I was ashamed at how little Americans know about Canada and how proud I was of the fact that Ontario was, in fact, the third Canadian province that I had been to. “Three out of five ain’t bad for an American,” I proclaimed, perhaps a tad overly pleased with myself.

She pointed out that Canada actually has ten provinces. She was very nice about it though, because Canadians are always very nice.


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