Baby bird
Yesterday morning we woke up to find a bird in our living room. It came from the chimney – must’ve fallen down somehow. My theory is that we must have an eagle nest on the top of our chimney, and somehow a baby eagle slipped out. That was until I did a google image search for baby eagles, and it looked nothing like this:
It was just your average, feathery brown bird sitting there on our living room rug looking completely confused. I opened the back door and he hopped out (for simplicity’s sake, we’ll assume it’s a he). Then he sat there in the middle of our patio and continued to look completely confused.
He crooked his little head side to side, and I felt like I could read the thoughts running through it… “I was in a warm, sooty place. Then I was standing under a giant flatscreen TV and now I’m outside. How did this happen? Where do I go from here? Why am I here? Who am I? Why are we all here? Now what?”
Oh little bird, I know how you feel.